Donate to the Jewish Genealogical Society of New York

Your contribution will help underwrite our monthly educational programs;  the publication of Dorot; and our grants to archival research projects which make possible the preservation of, and access to, important historical documents and records of the Jewish people.


Make your donation online using this form or click here to download a PDF of the paper form to mail. If you are making the donation for a special reason or would like another person to be informed of your donation other than the honoree, please submit the paper form.

NOTE: To join JGS or to renew membership, please use the page set up for that task. Do NOT use this page.

Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. is a 501c(3) organization; consult your tax advisor regarding deductibility of your payment to us.


Total Amount
Would you like to make your gift in honor, or in memory, of a friend, family member or colleague? NOTE: A gift of $18 or more entitles you to a Tribute listing in an upcoming issue of Dorot. Please notify the editor or the President.
Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.

Please tell us the name and address of the person to be honored or memorialized and we will inform that person or his/her family (but we will not indicate the amount donated). 

I (we) wish to have our gift remain anonymous.

Thank you for your donation.

Your Name

The information you provide will NOT be shared with any third party organisations.

Thank you for getting involved in our campaign!

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Benefits of Membership

  • A subscription to our quarterly journal, DOROT
  • Download and read the last 2 years of quarterly issues of Dorot, the award-winning newsletter of the JGS. [NEW]
  • Listen to podcasts of the last 2 year's monthly meetings, where available. [NEW]
  • Free access to
  • Discounts on JGS publications
  • Free admission to monthly meetings
  • Discounts on admission to other JGS events
  • Discounts on admission fees and purchases at "JGS Friends"