
JGS members are encouraged to patronize our "friends" listed below. Make use of your current JGS membership card and take advantage of the special offers we have arranged for you. If you have suggestions for new partners, please let us know.

The Jewish Museum
1109 Fifth Avenue (at 92nd Street)
New York, NY  10128
(212) 423-3200    
JGS members receive free admission for a companion

(2 for the price of 1)

Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
36 Battery Place, Battery Park City
New York, NY  10280
(646) 437-4200            
JGS Members receive a $2 discount on the regular admission price

 Museum at Eldridge Street
12 Eldridge Street between Canal and Division (just south of Canal Street)
New York, NY  10002
(212) 219-0302    

JGS members receive free admission for a companion

(2 for the price of 1)

(subject to change)


Contact Us

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Benefits of Membership

  • A subscription to our quarterly journal, DOROT
  • Download and read the last 2 years of quarterly issues of Dorot, the award-winning newsletter of the JGS. [NEW]
  • Listen to podcasts of the last 2 year's monthly meetings, where available. [NEW]
  • Free access to
  • Discounts on JGS publications
  • Free admission to monthly meetings
  • Discounts on admission to other JGS events
  • Discounts on admission fees and purchases at "JGS Friends"