Using the Tools at GEDmatch: Finding Relatives and More

Speaker: Kitty Cooper
GEDmatch is a free third-party site of tools where you can upload your DNA test results and compare them with those from people who have tested at other companies. In addition, there are many analysis tools, some found nowhere else. There are also GEDCOM comparisons available, including yours to your DNA matches. This talk will focus on how to use the tools of GEDmatch for researching Jewish families, while sharing best practices for both new and experienced users.
Kitty Munson Cooper is a well-known blogger on genetics and genealogy. She started blog.kittycooper.com in 2012 to keep track of her own family's DNA tests as well as her genealogical research. Her blog is very popular, getting several thousand unique visitors a day.
Kitty created tools, available for free on her blog, for graphing DNA relationships and turning Ahnentafel lists into GEDCOMs. She also did some coding for GEDmatch. Much of her spare time these days is spent helping people use DNA testing to solve unknown parentage cases.
Kitty started programming computers in 1966 while still in high school and retired from her own small web development business in 2019. She has a cum laude degree from Harvard University and is also a World Champion Bridge player. Born and raised in New York City, she currently lives in San Diego, California.
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