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Genealogical Research at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Sunday, December 15, 2024, 02:00pm - 04:00pm

Speaker: Hallel Yadin

The archives and library of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research contain the
world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of materials on Eastern
European Ashkenazi Jewish history and culture. They include a wealth of sources
for genealogical research. YIVO archivist Hallel Yadin will review the different kinds
of documents available at YIVO, including pre-war community records, immigration
case files, yizkor books, landsmanschaftn records, and more. She will also discuss
how to effectively search YIVO's online catalogs and how to access its holdings


Hallel Yadin (she/her) is an archivist and special projects manager at the YIVO
Institute for Jewish Research. She holds an MLIS from the University of
Missouri and a BA in history from Rutgers University.

Location : Center for Jewish History + Zoom
Co-Sponsor: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Jewish Genealogical Society Annual Members' Meeting to be followed by presentation by Hallel Yadin

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